Challenge App Terms of Use

By accessing and using this App or any related services, you accept the following terms and conditions. Please read these terms carefully. They make a legally binding contract with you (the person or organisation using and accessing the App) and us (Challenge Fuel NZ).

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the App or these terms and conditions, please contact us.


1. Signing up to the App
To use the Challenge App, you must download the App from the app store and follow the set-up process described in the App. You will need to have an active internet connection. Your mobile device will need to use a software version that supports the App.

2. Your account
You may only have one App account at any time. You are not allowed to hold multiple accounts.
If you decide to delete your My Challenge account, please get in touch providing your email address and My Challenge card number, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

3. Age restrictions
To use this App, you must be over the age of 16.

4. Passwords
You are responsible for protecting your passwords and other private user credentials and for any usage of your user credentials. You must notify us immediately on becoming aware of any actual or suspected unauthorised use of your user credentials.


5. What you can do
You can use the App and its features in the ways described in these terms.

6. What you can’t do
You cannot:

  • copy, distribute, modify or make derivative works of any of our content or use any of our intellectual property rights in any way not clearly permitted by us
  • remove any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material from any material copied or printed off from the App
  • use the App in an illegal way, or damage or disrupt the App
  • use the App while your vehicle is in motion.

You agree to comply with any Challenge safety rules related to use of electronics on Challenge premises, including not using your device (such as a smartphone or tablet) in any prohibited areas.


We use your data for several reasons, including to help provide services to you. This section outlines how we deal with your personal information like your name and email address.

7. Our approach to privacy
To use our App, you must provide certain personal information. We collect, process and use personal information in accordance with these terms and our privacy policy.

No data transmitted via the App can be guaranteed to be secure. Any information you submit through the App is done at your risk.

8. How we use your personal information
In addition to the purposes listed in our privacy policy, we may use any information you provide us to:

  • provide you with the App (including by disclosing personal information to our authorised third-party contractors).
  • contact you with information regarding the App.
  • monitor your use of the App.
  • help resolve and manage issues with the App.
  • report on App usage to help us improve the App.
  • identify offers, promotions, improvements, or other information we think you might find interesting, tell you about them, and provide them to you whether through the Challenge App or other channels like email.

You may opt out at any time through the notification options on your phone, or the unsubscribe link in the email — contact us if you have any questions or concerns about this.

9. You must provide accurate information
You promise that all information you provide us is true, accurate and correct.


This section outlines some important legal terms, including when we can change these terms, the App, and what we will be responsible for if things go wrong.

10. Changes we can make to these terms
The App will evolve over time as we continue to improve our service.

11. Changes we can make to the App
Challenge may change the format and content of the App at any time. Challenge may suspend the operation of the App for support or maintenance work, in order to update the content, or for any other reason.

12. Additional terms may apply
Additional terms may apply to specific goods or services or online tools provided through the App. If there is any inconsistency between these terms and the product or tool-specific terms, the product or tool-specific terms will prevail.

13. Intellectual property rights
The App contains material which is protected by intellectual property rights. All intellectual property rights in the App are either owned by us or are used by us under licence.

14. We may suspend or terminate your access to the App
We may terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the App at any time, for any reason, and without giving you notice. We do not need to give you a reason for any termination or suspension.

15. Our liability
Challenge tries to ensure that all information provided in the App is correct but does not guarantee its accuracy.

16. What if the App goes down?
Like any online service, we cannot guarantee that the Challenge App will be uninterrupted or error-free. It is up to you to take any precautions necessary to ensure you do not incur losses or costs if the App is affected by an interruption or error.  

17. No warranty
We make no representations and give no warranties that the App will be:

  • capable of running on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, or other computer equipment and software.
  • free from technical glitches, computer viruses, worms, software bombs, Trojan horses or similar items.

IMPORTANT. To the extent permitted by law, Challenge will not be liable for loss, corruption of, or damage to data, or viruses or similar items that may infect your iPhone, iPad, Android device, or other computer equipment and software due to your use of the Challenge App.

18. Governing law
These terms are governed by the laws of New Zealand.